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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Simulation stationärer Prozesse

Type Lecture (1 SWS) + Exercise (2 SWS)
Credits 3.5
Rhythm Winter Semester
Bachelor / Master Master
Audience CIW, BIW
Language German
LSF number (VL) 061073
Moodle Room  

Course Content

In the course "Simulation of steady-state processes" an introduction to the basics of process simulation with the flowsheeting software ASPEN PLUS is given. The handling of the program package is introduced and the functions are explained with concrete examples.

Different unit operations as well as the use of the tools sensitivity analysis and design specification are presented. The use of substance data calculation models and substance data, as well as the estimation of substance data.

Aquired Competences

The students are familiar with the structure and operation of ASPEN PLUS and are familiar with the handling of the implemented unit operations. Furthermore, they are able to create design specifications and perform sensitivity analyses.

In addition, they will be able to correctly select and apply the integrated substance data calculation models for the use case and estimate substance data with ASPEN PLUS. Furthermore, students will be able to apply the sequential modular calculation mode and equation-oriented solution methods apply.

Further Details

Exam Written - 120 min
Preliminaries For the participation in the course "Simulation stationärer Prozesse" the contents of the course "Einführung in die stationäre Simulation" of the module "Prozesse und Anlagen" are required. The english course "Steady state simulation" of the same name cannot be taken as an alternative because the contents are different.
Literature The slides of the course and any additional materials such as literature lists and website recommendations will be published in the virtual workrooms in Moodle provided for this purpose. Details will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Only the in­for­mation found in the LSF and the most recent edition of the Modulhandbuch der Fa­kul­tät Bio- und Chemie­ingenieur­wesen is binding. The content on this page may not reflect the most up-to-date in­for­mation.