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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Conceptual Design

Type Lecture (2 SWS) + Exercise (1 SWS)
Credits 4
Rhythm Winter Semester
Bachelor / Master Master
Audience CIW, BIW, PSE
Language English
LSF number (VL) 061130
Moodle Room Moodle WS 24/25

Course Content

The course will present different process synthesis methods including their strengths and weaknesses. The focus of the course will be on the heuristic-numeric approach for conceptual design.

An extended set of heuristic rules will be presented for the design and selection of reactors and separation steps. In addition, rules for the design of complex flowsheets will be presented which includes the design of recycle structures. A technical process is used to train the students in applying the rules.

Aquired Competences

The students are able to structure the conceptual design process applying synthesis and analysis steps.

They can decide under which constraints a special process synthesis method should be used.

Moreover, they are able to apply systematic methods to design and evaluate process concepts for new production processes.

Further Details

Exam Oral - 30 min
Preliminaries -
Literature The slides of the course and any additional materials such as literature lists and website recommendations will be published in the virtual workrooms in Moodle provided for this purpose. Details will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Only the in­for­mation found in the LSF and the most recent edition of the Modulhandbuch der Fa­kul­tät Bio- und Chemie­ingenieur­wesen is binding. The content on this page may not reflect the most up-to-date in­for­mation