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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen


Type Project (6 SWS)
Credits 10
Rhythm Winter Term (Duration: 2 Semesters!)
Bachelor / Master Master
Audience CIW, BIW
Language German
LSF number 061090
Moodle Room  

Course Content

The students have the task of developing a concept for a model car and implementing it so that the vehicle can cover a distance as precisely as possible. The basic requirement is that the car is driven on the basis of a chemical reaction. The work is done in teams of 3-7 students over a year beginning in the winter semester. The team has the task of organizing its own work. The group reports at least monthly on the results achieved and the work planned. The work ends with a final presentation of the created car at the Chemcar competition, an event organized by Processnet (an initiative of Dechema and VDI/GVC), where the car is tested for precision. The work will be judged by a jury consisting of company representatives. Furthermore, the team will give a presentation at the Dortmunder Hochschultage

Aquired Competences

Students are able to use the knowledge acquired in the courses and implement their creative ideas. Furthermore, students are able to work in a team, manage their own manage their own work, present results and resolve conflicts during the work process.

Further Details

Exam Monthly presentations (60 min), final presentation at ChemCar Competition
Preliminaries Admission requirements for the courses of the second and subsequent semesters are defined in § 9 paragraph 7 of the examination regulations. examination board.
Registration in due time. Implementation only possible with a group size of 3-7 people.

Only the in­for­mation found in the LSF and the most recent edition of the Modulhandbuch der Fa­kul­tät Bio- und Chemie­ingenieur­wesen is binding. The content on this page may not reflect the most up-to-date in­for­mation.