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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen


Type Lecture (1 SWS) + Exercise (2 SWS)
Credits 3.5
Rhythm Summer term
Bachelor / Master Master
Audience CIW, BIW, PSE
Language English
LSF number 061082
Moodle Room Moodle Kurs

Course Content

The course “Bioprocess Simulation” focuses on the basic principles of process design and of the simulation of biotechnological processes with INOSIM Professional software. This means particularly the transfer of process steps into event driven recipes and recipe modules as well as the generation and integration of models of unit operations into the simulation via Visual Basic.

In addition the evaluation of simulation results like Gantt-Charts, mass- and energy balances is content of the course as well as the simulation of statistical fluctuations, failures and maintenance procedures and the performance of statistical analysis.

Aquired Competences

The students will learn how to use the heuristic-numeric approach for the development of biotechnological processes. They will be able to implement and simulate biotechnological processes within the simulation environment INOSIM Professional.

Moreover, they can analyze the process with the help of the simulation results, like Gantt-Charts, mass- and energy balances. Additionally they will be able to simulate statistical fluctuations, failures and maintenance procedures and to evaluate their influences on the production process.

Further Details

Exam Written - 120 min
Preliminaries -
Literature The slides of the course and any additional materials such as literature lists and website recommendations will be published in the virtual workrooms in Moodle provided for this purpose. Details will be announced at the beginning of the course.

Only the in­for­mation found in the LSF and the most recent edition of the Modulhandbuch der Fa­kul­tät Bio- und Chemie­ingenieur­wesen is binding. The content on this page may not reflect the most up-to-date in­for­mation