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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Maria Schlüter

Curriculum Vitae

Born August 11th, 1995 in Oldenburg (Germany)
2014-2018 B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Studies, TU Dortmund University
Bachelor thesis: Charakterisierung einer Messzelle für die Flüssig-Flüssig-Extraktion in gerührt-pulsierten Kolonnen
2018-2021 M.Sc. Chemical Engineering Studies, TU Dortmund University
Master Thesis: Entwicklung von Prozessalternativen des TAPPIR®-Festbett-Verfahrens hinsichtlich hoher Produktausbeuten und dessen Modellierung“ / „Development of Process Designs of the TAPPIR®-Packed-Bed-Process for High Product Yields and its Modelling
Since 2021 PhD at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design and Laboratoty of Fluid Separations, TU Dortmund University
Field of Research: "Chemical recycling of PET bottles"

Field of Research

Chemical recycling of PET bottles
Chemical depolymerization of PET is performed via glycolysis. The resulting BHET monomer can be used as raw material for the production of fresh PET. This equilibrium reaction is examined experimentally as well as theoretically. By means of thermodynamic modelling the yield of BHET monomers is optimized. In order to separate BHET monomers selectively out of the reaction mixture crystallization is used.

The influence of process parameters on the efficiency of separation is determined by design of experiment. Finally, all process steps – from shredded PET flakes to pure BHET crystals – are performed one after another. Subsequently, the whole process is economically assessed.




  • Maria Schlüter, Christoph Held, Kerstin Wohlgemuth
    BHET Crystallization in Water-Free PET Glycolysis Systems
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2025), 64, 1189-1201,
  • Maria Schlüter, Sarthak Bhutani, Kerstin Wohlgemuth, Christoph Held
    Predicting Kinetics of the PET Glycolysis Reaction Using an Activity-Based Model and Experimental Validation
    Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (2024), 63, 35, 15458-15465,
  • Maria Schlüter, Sarthak Bhutani, Jasmin Bahr, Kerstin Wohlgemuth, Christoph Held
    Measurement and PC-SAFT Modeling of the Solubility of BHET monomer, BHET dimer and PET in single solvents
    Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2024, 69, 3,  1326–1334
  • Maria Schlüter, Ryota Enomoto, Shin Makino, Lisa Weihs, Cyra Lina Stamm, Kerstin Wohlgemuth, Christoph Held
    Boosting the kinetics of PET glycolysis
    Reaction Chemiytry and Engineering 2024, 9, 3038 -3046
  • Jörg Koop, Ninja Bera, Erik Quickert, Marvin Schmitt, Maria Schlüter, Christoph Held, Gerhard Schembecker
    Separation of Volatile Organic Compounds from Viscous Liquids with RPB Technology
    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2023, 62, 34,  13637-13645,

Oral presentations

  • M. Schlüter
    BHET monomer recovery by cooling crystallization, filtration and washing in the PET glycolysis process
    Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA / VDI Fachgruppe “Kristallisation”, Frankfurt, Germany (2024)
  • Schlüter, Enomoto, Makino, Stamm, Wohlgemuth, Held
    Co-Solvent Influence on PET Glycolysis Reaction
    11th Young Chemists Symposium Ruhr , Dortmund, Germany (2023)
  • Schlüter, Enomoto, Makino, Stamm, Weihs, Wohlgemuth, Held
    Influence of g-valerolactone (GVL) on the kinetics of the PET glycolysis reaction
    14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, Germany (2023)

Poster presentations

  • Schlüter, Javed, Vogt, Wohlgemuth, Held
    Chemisches Recycling von PET mittels Glykolyse
    Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Abfallbehandlung und Wertstoffrückgewinnung, Bamberg, Germany (2022)
  • Bhutani, Schlüter, Enomoto, Makino, Held
    Thermodynamic Optimization of PET Glycolysis Reaction
    11th Young Chemists Symposium Ruhr, Dortmund, Germany (2023)