Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Hellenkamp

Curriculum Vitae
Torsten Hellenkamp studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology in Dortmund. He finished his studies with his diploma thesis about the model based design and optimization of closed loop recycling chromatography.
Focus of his research was the modeling and simulation of biotechnical downstream processes.
Field of Research
Modeling and simulation are well known and established tools for the successful design and optimization of production processes in the chemical industry. These software tools and proceedings are actually rarely used in the young biotechnical industry. Due to the special characteristics of downstream processes existing software tools known in the chemical industry can not be used directly to in the design and optimization in biotechnical processing.
Therefore the research is focused on the creation of the necessary methodology that allows the simulation of downstream processes beginning with the first process concept up to the finished production process. Thus the development of ecological and economical production processes should be simplified.
- T. Hellenkamp, K. Sulzbacher, P. Balling, M. Günther, G. Schembecker
Material data modeling in event driven downstream process simulation
Oral presentations
- T. Hellenkamp, G. Schembecker, P. Balling, M. Günther
Modeling and Simulation of Downstream Processes
2nd Symposium on Computer-aided Process Optimization, Hürth, Deutschland (2009)
- T. Hellenkamp, K. Sulzbacher, G. Schembecker
Simulation biotechnischer Prozesse
Dechema Werkstattgespräch: Methoden der Prozesssimulation, Frankfurt, Deutschland (2009)
- T. Hellenkamp, T. Schwarz, P. Balling, M. Günther, G. Schembecker
Systematische Entwicklung von Downstream Prozessen - Modellierung und Simulation
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung Modellierung: Von der Zelle zum Prozess, Bremen, Deutschland (2008)
Poster presentations
- T. Hellenkamp, P. Balling, M. Günther, G. Schembecker
Systematic Design of Downstream Processes - Modeling and Simulation
5. Doktorandenseminar "Präparative Chromatographie", Wetter (Ruhr), Deutschland (2009)
- T. Hellenkamp, P. Balling, M. Günther, G. Schembecker
Systematic Design of Downstream Processes - Modeling and Simulation
Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques (SPICA), Zurich, Switzerland (2008)
- T. Hellenkamp, P. Balling, M. Günther, G. Schembecker
Systematic Design of Downstream Processes - Modeling and Simulation
7th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES), Faro, Portugal (2008)