Dipl-Ing. Stefanie Schuldt

Curriculum Vitae
Stefanie Schuldt began studying Biochemical Engineering at the TU Dortmund in 2003 and finished her degree in 2009 with the diploma thesis "Selection of Sorbents using Purification Fingerprints within a Systematic Downstream Process Design".
Since 2009 to 2012 she worked as a PhD student at the laboratory of Plant and Process Design. The focus of her research was "Experimentally based systematic Downstream Process Design".
Field of Research
The performance of a process depends heavily on the decisions made during early stages of downstream process development. Especially for biotechnological products the downstream process often accounts for more than 50% of the total production costs. The aim of this thesis is to develop a method for systematic downstream process design in early stages of process synthesis. Therefore different unit operations, mass separating agents and operating conditions are investigated and compared. This experimental investigation of different process steps is carried out with high-throughput technologies. High-throughput screening (HTS) is a relatively new micro scale technique which allows to quickly prepare and analyze a multiplicity of samples. The application of HTS technologies for downstream process design is a comparatively new field of application. Because of this the development of suitable strategies for the application of this technique is one aspect of this thesis. The experimental approach will be combined with theoretical algorithmic methods. Based on key performance indicators the most promising process alternatives will be used to form an efficient downstream process.
The major objective is to develop a strategy for rapid and comprehensive downstream process development of biotechnological products.
The evaluation of these methods focuses on the isolation of biotechnological products from fermentation broth, for example the purification of secondary metabolites from the supernatant of basidiomycetes.
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
A Fully Automated Ad- and Desorption Method for Resin and Solvent Screening
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2013, Vol. 36 (7), p. 1157 -1164, doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201200725
- S. Schuldt, T. Winkelnkemper, G. Schembecker
Entwicklung von Downstream-Prozessen
in Chmiel, Hortst (Hrsg.), Bioprozesstechnik (3. Auflage) Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, (2011), S. 363-368
- T. Winkelnkemper, S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker,
Systematic downstream process development for purification of baccatin III with key performance indicators
Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, vol. 77 (3), p. 355-366, doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2011.01.004
Oral presentations
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Automation techniques in systematic process development for purification of natural substances
European Workshop on High-Throughput Developments and Applications, Wildbad Kreuth (2012)
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Automation of ad- and desorption experiments: An alternative approach for downstream process synthesis
16th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (2011)
- S. Schuldt, T. Winkelnkemper, G. Schembecker
Key Performance Indicators for Downstream Process Development
28. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen und ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Deutschland (2010)
- T. Winkelnkemper, S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Kennzahlengesteuerte systematische Downstream Prozessentwicklung
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioprozessorientiertes Anlagendesign, Nürnberg, Deutschland (2010)
- T. Winkelnkemper, S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Systematic Downstream Process Design: Purification of Taxanes with Key Performance Indicators
First Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Wuppertal, Deutschland (2010)
Poster presentations
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Automation Techniques in Systematic Process Development for Purification of Natural Substances
ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2012)
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Automation techniques in experimental based process development
3rd Annual CLIB GC Retreat, Bergisch Gladbach (2012)
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Automation of ad- and desorption experiments: An alternative approach for downstream process synthesis
8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, Deutschland (2011)
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
Systematic Downstream Process Design: Robotic Systems
First Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Wuppertal, Deutschland (2010)
- S. Schuldt, G. Schembecker
A novel Method to design Ad- and Desorption Processes for Purification of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) using a Robotic Platform
Second Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bonn, Deutschland (2011)