Dr.-Ing. Martin Eilermann

Curriculum Vitae
Born | October 23rd, 1989 in Emsbüren (Germany) |
2000-2009 | Franziskusgymnasium, Lingen (Germany) |
2009-2013 | B.Sc. Chemical Engineering Studies, TU Dortmund University Bachelor thesis: Multi-objective Optimization of Modular Plant Setups |
2011 | Semester abroad at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong) |
2013-2014 | M.Sc. Chemical Engineering Studies, TU Dortmund University Master thesis: An Approach for the Generation and Application of Equipment Module Databases for Modular Plant Setups |
2015 - 2018 | PhD at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design, TU Dortmund University Field of research: Energy efficiency rating for module based planning and design procedures |
Field of Research
Chemical and biochemical companies are more and more faced with the challenges of global competition. Due to shorter product life-cycles and volatile markets, new strategies for plant design are needed to decrease the lead time of production processes, while simultaneously providing a high energy efficiency.
A promising approach to overcome these challenges is the concept of modularization. In this context, the research project “Modulares Equipment für die energieeffiziente Produktion” as part of the ENPRO initiative is set up, which is a cooperation between universities and industry partners.
The goal is to design equipment modules (2D and 3D), which can then be used to set up new production plants. To support the engineer during the planning process of the plant, an engineering tool shall be developed for selecting suitable and energy efficient modules. Thereby, in total the time-to-market can be decreased while additionally considering the energy efficiency during the planning process.
- M. Eilermann
Generation of an Equipment Module Database Considering Industrial Process Tasks
TU Dortmund, 2018, Verlag Dr. Hut, München ISBN 978-3-8439-3711-5
- Eilermann, M., Tebbe, A., Schwarz, D., (...), Bramsiepe, C., Schembecker, G.
Approach for the characterization of industrial process tasks as basis for the generation and application of an equipment module database
Chemical Engineering Science191(2018), pp. 42-55, doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2018.06.037
- M. Eilermann, C. Post, D. Schwarz, S. Leufke, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Generation of an equipment module database for heat exchangers by cluster analysis of industrial application
Chemical Engineering Science 167 (2017) 278-287, doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2017.03.064
Oral presentations
- M. Eilermann, N. Buitkamp, P. Sander, G. Schembecker
Aufbau einer Equipment-Moduldatenbank unter Berücksichtigung von Equipment-Modul Verschaltungen
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" (PAAT), Würzburg, DE (2017)
- M. Eilermann, C. Post, A. Tebbe, S. Leufke, D. Schwarz, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Generation of an Equipment Module Database based on cluster analysis of industrial applications
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE), Barcelona, E (2017)
- M. Eilermann, A. Tebbe, C. Schach, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Charakterisierung industrieller Anwendungen als Grundlage einer Equipment Datenbank für die modulbasierte Anlagenplanung
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" (PAAT), Karlsruhe, DE (2016)
- M. Eilermann, T. Gottschalk, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Einsatz von modularem Equipment in Wärmeübertragernetzwerken
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, Aachen, DE (2016)
- M. Eilermann, C. Post, D. Schwarz, S. Leufke, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Methode zur Erstellung einer detaillierten Moduldatenbank
Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik" (PAAT), Bruchsal, DE (2015)
Poster presentations
- M. Eilermann, C. Post, T. Gottschalk, D. Schwarz, S. Leufke, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
A Methodology to Generate Modular Equipment for an Equipment Database in Module-Based Plant Design
AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2016)