Dr.-Ing. Pascal Scherpian

Curriculum Vitae
Pascal Scherpian graduated from Dortmund University in 2004. He finished his studies in chemical engineering with a thesis on conceptual design of integrated reaction and separation processes.
Employed at the laboratory for plant and process design from January 2005 to September 2008 his research focused on the synthesis of chromatographic separation processes.
Field of Research
As standard unit operation preparative chromatography is a popular technique when it comes to purification of fine chemicals and biotechnological products. Seeking for a fast implementation of chromatographic processes very often classical batch chromatography is applied. With rising production scales and separation cost becoming more important a simulated moving bed (SMB) unit might be considered, instead. However, smaller companies are often reluctant to invest in such complex equipment. In this case advanced batch process concepts like closed-loop (CLRC) and steady-state (SSRC) recycling chromatography are promising alternatives, because they consist of flexible and inexpensive equipment and they can lead to higher yield and productivity. Optimisation and design of recycling chromatography processes form the basis to generate a knowledge base assisting the choice of process concept during process development.
- P. Scherpian
Zur Auswahl und Auslegung chromatographischer Prozesskonzepte mit Recycling
TU Dortmund, 2009, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-86853-202-9
- P. Scherpian, G. Schembecker
Scaling up Recycling Chromatography
Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (18), (2009), S. 4068-4080, doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2009.06.024
Oral presentations
- P. Scherpian, D. Schlinge and G. Schembecker
Design Method for Closed-Loop and Steady-State Recycling Chromatography
SPICA - 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich (2008)
- P. Scherpian and G. Schembecker
Design and operation of chromatographic batch processes
ACHEMA - 28th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology, Frankfurt am Main (2006)
Poster presentations
- P. Scherpian, D. Schlinge and G. Schembecker
Choice of Process Concept in Preparative Chromatography
SPICA - 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich (2008)
- P. Scherpian , S. Felske, G. Schembecker
Separation of a pharmaceutical intermediate by SMB and batch chromatography
SPICA - 11th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Innsbruck (2006)
- G. Sand, S. Barkmann, P. Scherpian, M. Tylko, S. Engell and G. Schembecker
MINLP-Optimization in the Integration of Reaction and Separation Processes
Sustainable (Bio)Chemical Process Technology, Process Intensification, Delft (2005), 317-324