Dr.-Ing. Marius Harrmann

Curriculum Vitae
Marius Harrmann studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Dortmund and finished his degree with a Diplom thesis on heuristic design of experiments in chemical processes exemplified by the hydroformylation of olefines ("„Heuristische Versuchsplanung von chemischen Prozessen am Beispiel der Hydroformylierung von Olefinen "") in September 2010.
He has been working at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design on his PhD since then. In his research he focuses on the management and supervision of process development within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio 63 (SFB/TR63) by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, DFG).
Field of Research
In the currently biggest Collaborative Research Center / Transregio 63 “Integrated Processes In Fluid Multiphase Systems” (InPROMPT) financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) efficient catalyst recycling concepts for the hydroformylation of long-chain olefines are applied. On long-terms it is supposed to be possible to make multicomponent-multiphase-solvent systems with controllable properties available in chemical multiphase production processes.
Subproject C1 deals with der management of process development concerning the first idea to the point of flowsheet optimization. For the development of innovative chemical production processes the overall process can be composed by a numerous amount of alternative process operations. The development in the early phase is the main focus. In this case the unit-operations are still researched on in the laboratory. The fundamental scientific challenge is the question, how the until now usually more heuristic and on local optima focused development process for the individual unit-operations can be systemized and controlled. However, the aim is the cost minimization of the overall process.
Because the amount of data is inadequate and a lot of alternatives have to be tested on feasibility and profitability it is necessary to carry out the experimental phase with effective and essential effort. By using mathematical and statistical methods design and operation parameters, which are significant for the unit-operation’s research status, have to be identified. The experimental effort can be managed and the evaluation of the alternative can be influenced effectively.
- M. Harrmann
Contribution to the management of laboratory experiments in early phases of process development
TU Dortmund, 2019, Verlag Dr. Hut, München ISBN 978-3-8439-4339-0
- J. Steimel, M. Harrmann, G. Schembecker, S. Engell
A framework for the modeling and optimization of process superstructures under uncertainty
Chemical Engineering Science, Available online 15 May 2013, ISSN 0009-2509, doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2013.04.052
- J. Steimel, M. Harrmann, G. Schembecker, S. Engell
Model-based conceptual design and optimization tool support for the early stage development of chemical processes under uncertainty
Computers & Chemical Engineering, Available online 4 July 2013, ISSN 0098-1354, doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2013.06.017
Oral presentations
- M. Harrmann, J. Steimel, S. Engell, G. Schembecker
Werkzeugunterstützte Alternativenbewertung in frühen Phasen der Prozessentwicklung
Jahrestreffen der FG Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik der ProcessNet, DECHEMA, Fulda, Germany (2011)
Poster presentations
- M. Harrmann, J. Steimel, S. Engell, G. Schembecker
Model-based generation of alternatives and cost calculation for the early conceptual process design
ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Deutschland (2012