Dr.-Ing. Katrin Brandt

Curriculum Vitae
Dr.-Ing. Katrin Brandt studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology in Dortmund. Started in 2003, she graduated in 2008 with a final thesis about the systematic development of downstream processes using the purification of the cosmeceutical ectoine as example.
From December 2008 to September 2012, she worked at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design on her PhD. In her research she focused on the development of a simulation and optimization tool for biotechnological processes.
Field of Research
Biotechnological processes are considered one of the key technologies of the 21st century.
However, their systematic development is usually limited by inadequate simulation tools, as most commercial software solutions are designed for processes in the chemical industry and therefore cannot handle biotechnological processes. This is especially true for downstream processes, which are characterised by batchwise operation, unconventional unit operations, unknown compositions and missing property data.
Ways must therefore be found to deal with these peculiarities. The aim is to develop a tool that supports the simulation of biotechnological purification processes from the initial idea to the final downstream process and along the way offers the possibility to evaluate and optimise process alternatives.
- K. Brandt
Sensitivitätsbasierte Methode zur unterstützung der frühen Entwicklungsphasen biochemischer Prozesse
TU Dortmund, 2016, Verlag Dr. Hut, München ISBN 978-3-8439-3186-1
- K. Brandt and G. Schembecker
Production Rate-Dependent Key Performance Indicators for a Systematic Design of Biochemical Downstream Processes Plants
Chemical Engineering and Technology 39 (2016) 354-364 (doi.org/10.1002/ceat.201500428)
- K. Sulzbacher; P. Balling; G. Schembecker
INOSIM Bio – new approaches for bioprocess simulation and optimization
in Kraslawski, A.; Turunen, I. (Hrsg.), 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Elsevier, Amsterdam, (2013), S. 865-870, ISBN: 978-0-444-63234-0 (doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-444-63234-0.50145-7)
Oral presentations
- K. Sulzbacher, G. Schembecker
Sustainability: better to consider early than to assess later!
8th Process Management Academy (PMA2012), Antwerp, Belgium (2012)
- K. Sulzbacher, G. Schembecker
Process Simulation and Response Surface Analysis as Tool for the Systematic Optimization of Downstream Processes
16th International Conference on BioPartitioning and Purification (BPP2011), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (2011)
- K. Sulzbacher, G. Schembecker
Process Simulation and Response Surface Analysis as Tool for the Systematic Design and Optimization of Biotechnological Processes
1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB2011), Berlin, Germany (2011)
Poster presentations
- K. Sulzbacher; P. Balling; G. Schembecker
INOSIM Bio – new approaches for bioprocess simulation and optimization
23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Lappeenranta, Finland (2013)/c1uct003/Medienpool/logos/pdf_icon.gif
- K.Sulzbacher; T. Hellenkamp; K. Bauer; P. Balling; M. Günther; G. Schembecker
Development of an Adaptive Simulation Tool for Biotechnological Processes
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioprozessorientiertes Anlagendesign, Nürnberg (2010)