Dr.-Ing. Katharina Bauer

Curriculum Vitae
Katharina Bauer studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Dortmund and finished her degree with a Diplom thesis on strategies to control the deactivation behavior of heterogeneous catalyzed metathesis of C5-olefines ("Maßnahmen zur Steuerung des Deaktivierungsverhaltens bei der heterogen katalysierten Metathese von C5-Olefinen") at the chair of Chemical Process Development in December 2005.
From February 2006 to August 2009, she worked at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design on her PhD. In her research she focused on the syntheses of downstream processes for the separation biotechnological product
Field of Research
The aim is to develop a systematic procedure to generate and rate process alternatives in an early stage of the conceptual process design. Property differences of compounds and mixtures that can be utilized for separations are identified and unit operations are selected based on these differences.
Existing knowledge on the choice of suitable unit operations for particular separation problems is made available as heuristic rules. The resulting process alternatives are balanced and evaluated, so that in the following more detailed process development stages only the best alternatives with focus on the process as a whole are considered.
- K. Bauer
Synthese von Downstream Prozessen
TU Dortmund, 2012, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-0470-4
- K. Bauer, G. Schembecker
Synthese von Downstream Prozessen
Chemie Ingenieur Technik 80 (1-2): p. 185-190 (2008), doi.org/10.1002/cite.200700140
Book sections
- G. Schembecker, K. Bauer
"Biochemical Engineering: Knowledge-based Process Design"
in Emergence, Analysis and Evolution of Structures - Concepts and Strategies across Disciplines, Hrsg. K. Lucas and P. Roosen
Springer Verlag, Berlin (2009)
Oral presentations
- K. Bauer; G. Schembecker
Systematic Design of Downstream Processes - Generation of Process Alternatives
7th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering - ESBES 7, Faro, Portugal (2008)
- K. Bauer; G. Schembecker
Synthese und Simulation von Downstreamprozessen
Gemeinsame Sitzung der ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Prozess- und Anlagentechnik und Fluidverfahrenstechnik, Karlsruhe (2007)
Poster presentations
- K. Bauer; G. Schembecker
Systematische Entwicklung von Downstream Prozessen - Generierung von Verfahrensalternativen
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung Modellierung: Von der Zelle zum Prozess, Bremen (2008)