Dr.-Ing. Ivana Barackov

Curriculum Vitae
Ivana Barackov studied at the Faculty of Food Technology at University J. J. Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia, majors Process Engineering.
She finished her studies in October 2008 with her diploma thesis "Synthesis of 4-Thiazolidines from different Thiosemicarbazides".
From November 2009 to May 2013, she did her research work at the Laboratory of Process and Plant Design on innovative downstream processes, with emphasis on the processes of foam fractionation.
Field of Research
Foam fractionation is a gentle and selective recovery step for enzymes. This separation step is based on the ability of water soluble, surface active substances to adsorb on gas-liquid interfaces, e.g. gas bubbles. The main application of this method is the concentration and isolation of dilute aqueous protein mixtures as occurring in fermentation processes.
The aim of research is therefore to find ways to deal with these peculiarities. The goal is to show on the molecular level how proteins, specifically cutinase, BSA and lysozyme, fold and how an enzyme acts at the gas-liquid interface. The influence of salts, pH and temperature on the protein structure would be also determined. Based on the results of this molecular study other protein molecules shall be evaluated for their potential separation by foam fractionation. Finally, a pattern for upscaling foam fractionation processes derived from the molecular study shall be developed.
- I. Barackov
Investigation of protein behavior at gas-liquid interfaces
TU Dortmund, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1561-8
- I. Barackov, A. Mause, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff
Investigation of structural changes of β-casein and lysozyme at the gas-liquid interface during foam fractionation
Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, vol. 161 (2), p. 138-146, (doi.org/10.1016/j.jbiotec.2012.01.030)
Oral presentations
- I. Barackov, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, G. Schembecker
Investigation of protein adsorption during foam fractionation by infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Karlsruhe (2012)
- I. Barackov, G. Schembecker, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, B. Burghoff
Foam fractionation of enzymes: Intrinsic mechanisms
1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), Berlin, Deutschland (2011)
- I. Barackov, G. Schembecker, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, B. Burghoff
Structural Changes of Enzymes at the Gas-liquid interface During the Foam Fractionation
Second Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bonn, Deutschland (2011)
Poster presentations
- I. Barackov, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, G. Schembecker
Molecular level of foam fractionation investigated by IRRAS
Biotrends 2012 – Sustainable Industrial Biocatalysis, Dortmund, Deutschland (2012)
- I. Barackov, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, G. Schembecker
Effect of foaming conditions on β-casein adsorption and structural changes at the gas-liquid interface
Third Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bergisch Gladbach, Deutschland (2012)
- I. Barackov, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, G. Schembecker,
Conformational changes of proteins during adsorption at the gas-liquid interface
New Biotrends to smarter drugs, Dortmund, Deutschland (2011)
- I. Barackov, G. Schembecker, S. Kapoor, R. Winter, B. Burghoff
Structural Changes of Bovine Serum Albumin at the Gas-liquid interface during the Foam Fractionation
Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam, Deutschland (2011)
- I.Barackov, G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff
Structural Changes of Enzymes at the Gas-liquid interface During the Foam Fractionation
Second Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bonn, Deutschland (2011)
- I. Barackov, B. Burghoff, G. Schembecker
Determination of the molecular cutinase structure at the gas-liquid interface
First Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Wuppertal, Deutschland (2010)