Dr.-Ing. Iva Anic

Curriculum Vitae
Iva Anic has studied Bioprocess Engineering at Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, University of Zagreb in Croatia. She has graduated in 2011 on her master thesis titled "Regression model of slug flow in water - organic solvent system in a microreactor".
From August 2013 to July 2014 she performed her research on the extraction of biomolecules using novel two-phase extraction technology (TAPPIR®) at the Laboratory of Plant and Process design at TU Dortmund.
Field of Research
A novel two-phase extraction technology (TAPPIR® - Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins) has been developed. The objective of Iva´s work is to develop a robust and reliable TAPPIR® process for the extraction and back-extraction of biomolecules. The investigation of suitable impregnation techniques, possible modifications of the solid material and the design and optimization of the overall TAPPIR® process are essential part of her work.
- I. Anic
Development of a foam adsorption method for the fermentative production and recovery of rhamnolipids
TU Dortmund, 2019, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-4126-6
Poster presentation
- I. Anic, J. Merz, G. Schembecker
TAPPIR® - not only an animal (Development and Scale-up of Novel Aqueous Extraction Technology)
Fifth Annual CLIB - Graduate Cluster Retreat, Lünen, Germany (2014)