Dr.-Ing. Hülya Uzuner

Curriculum Vitae
Hülya Uzuner studied Chemical Process Engineering at the University of Clausthal and and Mining Engineering at the University of Dokuz Eylül in Izmir/ Turkey. She finished her degree in 2004 with the diploma thesis "Development of an analysis method for reaction-technical investigations of the Hydratation of C4-Olefinen" supported by Sasol Germany GmbH and in 2000 "Investigation of the waste materials of processing plants and their effects on the environment" in Izmir/Turkey. After graduation, she worked 3 years in the industry as a project engineer.
From 2008 to 2011, she was working as a research assistant at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design at the Technische Universität Dortmund. In her research project, she primarily dealed with technical information support of the investment planning for the offer and early basic engineering phase by a module-based planning concept (Module-Oriented Cost Estimation for an Integrated Engineering System).
Field of Research
The preparation of quotations in the chemical industry is the basis for every investment. This area of activity ties up considerable resources that are not available for the actual planning process. The quality of the offers, which are usually created under strong time pressure, has a strong influence on the success of a planning project. The question arises whether the step of preparing the offer can be decisively improved by using a module-based approach in function and installation planning, which includes both equipment and instrumentation, local piping as well as steel construction, and existing tools for planning process engineering plants. Furthermore, simulators, CAE and 3D tools are linked via a knowledge management system. This will make it possible to reduce the error between quotation and real costs at a very early stage.
The goal of the project is a program framework that enables users to quickly and efficiently perform variant comparison or quotation costing at the earliest possible stage. The system is supported by an integral knowledge management system, which also provides the necessary decision support for the user, starting with simulation with process optimization, through functional planning to installation and piping planning in conjunction with a detailed cost model.
- H. Uzuner
Ein wissensbasiertes System zur Unterstützung von R&I-Fließbild Designprozessen auf der Grundlage eines modulbasierten Ansatzes
TU Dortmund, 2012, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-0972-3
- H. Uzuner, C. Bramsiepe, G. Schembecker
Knowledge Based Design Framework for Development of modular Piping& Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
Oral presentations
- G. Schembecker, G. Wozny, C. Lühe, H. Uzuner
"Abschlußbericht und Vorstellung des Pro-grammrahmenwerks zum Forschungsvorhaben AIF/IGF-Nr: 15344 N „Informationstechnische Unterstützung der Anlagenplanung für die Angebots- und frühe Basic Engineering Phase durch ein modulares Planungskonzept"
Gemeinsame Sitzung der Arbeitsausschüsse "Rechnergestützte Anlagenplanung" und "Pipes, Valves and Pumps", Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland (2010)
- H. Uzuner, G. Schembecker, H. Schmidt-Traub
Wissensbasierter Entwurf von RI-Fließbildern (PID´s) auf Basis von Modulen
ProcessNet Jahrestagung, Mannheim, Deutschland (2009)
- H. Uzuner, G. Schembecker, H. Schmidt-Traub
Modulbasierter Entwurf von RI-Fließbildern (PID´s)
Gemeinsame Sitzung der DECHEMA ProcessNet-Arbeitsausschüsse "Rechnergestütze Anlagenplanung" und "Pipes, Valves and Pumps", Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland (2009)
- H. Uzuner, G. Schembecker, H. Schmidt-Traub, TU Dortmund; Ch. Lühe, G. Wozny, TU Berlin
Informationstechnische Unterstützung der Anlagenplanung für die Angebots- und frühe Basic Engineering Phase durch ein modulares Planungskonzept
6. Berlin-Aachener Symposium "Informationstechnologien für Entwicklung und Produktion in der Verfahrenstechnik", Berlin, Deutschland (2009)