Dr.-Ing. Fatma Alexia van Winssen

Curriculum Vitae
Fatma van Winssen studied Biochemical Engineering at the Technische Universität Dortmund. She finished her studies in March 2010 with her diploma thesis "Development of a guideline for knowledge-based syntheses of downstream processes of proteins and peptides".
From 2010 til 2013 she was employed at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design. Her research focused on aqueous two-phase extraction of enzymes
Field of Research
Aqueous Two Phase Extraction, (ATPE) represents a promising alternative unit operation for downstream processing of biotechnological products. The used systems consist of aqueous solutions of two polymers or one polymer and one salt. They provide several advantages such as a biocompatible environment enabling for gentle extraction conditions. However, long phase separation times of the emulsions are limiting ATPE.
In this work we investigate a novel technology to overcome the long phase separation times. In the so called Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins (TAPPIR®) - Technology porous particles are impregnated with an aqueous polymer phase and suspended in the second aqueous phase. Thus, phase contact is achieved via the suspension of the impregnated particles and phase emulsification and separation of the classical ATPE setup are unnecessary. Aim of this work is the investigation of the TAPPIR® - Technology for downstream processing of proteins
- G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff, F. A. van Winssen
Verfahren zur Trennung/Reinigung von Biomolekülen
AZ 10 2011 001 743.7, applied April 1st, 2011
- F. A. van Winssen
Tunable Agueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins for Downstream Processing
TU Dortmund, 2014, Verlag Dr. Hut, München ISBN 978-3-8439-2179-4
- F. A. van Winssen, J. Merz, L.-M. Czerwonka, G. Schembecker
Application of the Tunable Aqueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins-Technology for Protein Purification
Separation and Purification Technology, 136 (2014) 123-129, doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2014.08.030
- F.A. van Winssen, J. Merz, and G. Schembecker
Tunable Aqueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins-Technology – a novel approach to Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction
Journal of Chromatography A, 1329 (2014) 38-44, doi.org/10.1016/j.chroma.2014.01.001
Oral presentations
- J. Merz, F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
Investigation of Protein Partitioning in Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins
17th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP), Newport, USA (2013)
- F. A. van Winssen, J. Merz, G. Schembecker
Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins: A New Approach for Protein Recovery
AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2013)
- Fatma van Winssen, Juliane Merz and Gerhard Schembecker
Investigation of protein partitioning in tunable aqueous polymer phase impregnated resins
17th international Conference on Biopartitioning and purification, Nweport, USA (2013)
- F. A. van Winssen, J. Merz, G. Schembecker
Investigation of tunable aqueous polymer phase impregnated resins for aqueous two-phase extraction
Jahrestreffen Extraktion und Mehrphasenströmungen, Baden-Baden, Deutschland (2013)
- F. A. van Winssen, G.Schembecker
TAPPIR® - A novel Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction technology
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
A novel Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction Technology
3rd CLIB-GC Student Symposium ‘From Gene to Protein and Beyond’, Düsseldorf, Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, B. Burghoff, G. Schembecker
TAPPIR® - Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins
Technology Transfer Days, ACHEMA 2012, Frankfurt a.M., Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
Aqueous Two Phase Extraction – Investigation of a novel Technology
Third Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bergisch Gladbach, Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, B. Burghoff, G. Schembecker
Extraction of enzymes with a sustainable aqueous two-phase system
1st European Congress of Applied Biotechnology (ECAB), Berlin, Deutschland (2011)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff
Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins for Protein Purification from Aqueous solutions
16th International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification (BPP), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (2011)
Poster presentations
- F. A. van Winssen, J. Merz, G. Schembecker
Purification of Lysozyme with Tunable Aqueous Polymer Phase Impregnated Resins
Fourth Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Lünen, Deutschland (2013)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
Tunable Aqueous Polymer-Phase Impregnated Resins (TAPPIR®) for protein purification
9 th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES), Istanbul, Türkei (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
TAPPIR®-Technology as Novel Tool for Protein Purification
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 30. Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
TAPPIR®-Technology for Protein Purification
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Biopharmazeutische Produktion, Freiburg (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker
Aqueous Two Phase Extraction – Investigation of a novel Technology
Third Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bergisch Gladbach, Deutschland (2012)
- F. A. van Winssen, B. Burghoff, G. Schembecker
Investigation of a novel aqueous two phase extraction technology
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam (2011)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff
Extraction of Enzymes with an Aqueous Two-Phase System
Second Annual CLIB-Graduate Cluster Retreat, Bonn, Deutschland (2011)
- F. A. van Winssen, G. Schembecker, B. Burghoff
Extraction of Enzymes with an Aqueous Two-Phase System
Second CLIB International Conference, Düsseldorf, Deutschland (2011)