Dr.-Ing. Dominik Bergs

Curriculum Vitae
Dominik Bergs studied biochemical engineering at the Technical University of Dortmund. Beginning in 2004, he graduated in 2009 with a diploma thesis dealing with the extraction of butyl alcohol with ionic liquids.
From February 2010 until June 2013 he worked as a PhD student at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design at the Technical University of Dortmund. His research dealed with the chromatographic purification of natural products.
Field of Research
Currently used phases for chromatographic purification of natural products are characterized by high costs, which is why a large scale isolation of plant extracts seems to be uneconomical. Here, the project „Chromatographic purification of natural products" is scheduled pursuing the aim to develop new, reasonable carrier materials with innovative functionalization of the surfaces. In addition, the steadily rising concentrations in the mixtures to be separated from biotechnological processes should be considered with an innovative methodology for chromatographic processes.
The conventional approach consists in the fact that at first the stationary phase, i.e. an adsorbent or ionexchanger is chosen and afterwards the separation is optimized by variation of the solvent or his composition. The disadvantages of this approach, a restricted solubility and a complex processing of complicated solvent mixtures, should be avoided by proceeding vice versa. With the methodology to be developed, the optimal solvent is determined first, followed by the variation of phases by a combination of different sorbents. After the end of the project a standard methodology should be available which helps to select a chromatographic system.
- D. Bergs
A contribution to chromatographic purification of natural products
TU Dortmund, 2013, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1361-4
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Preparative purification of rebaudioside A from aqueous extracts using chromatography: A process idea
Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Volume 7, Issue 4, Page 295-303(2012) (Article)
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Preparative separation of rebaudioside A from stevia leaves using inverted chromatographic process design - An overview
In: Geuns, Jan M.C. (Ed.), Stevia: 6 months beyond authorisation. Euprint, Heverlee, (2012) p.105-112, ISBN: 978-90-742-53208
- D. Bergs, B. Burghoff, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Fast and isocratic HPLC-method for steviol glycoside analysis from Stevia rebaudiana leaves
Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety, Volume 7, Issue 2, Page 147-154 (2012) (Article)
- B. Burghoff, D. Bergs, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Purification of rebaudioside A from stevia rebaudiana Bertoni
In: Geuns, Jan M.C. (Ed.), Stevia: Break-through in Europe. Euprint, Heverlee, (2011) p.167-178, ISBN: 978-90-742-53192
Oral presentations
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Natural product purification using inverted chromatographic process design
32nd International Symposium on the Separation of Proteins, Peptides and Polynucleotides, Istanbul, Turkey (2012)
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Preparative separation of rebaudioside A from stevia leaves using inverted chromatographic process design
6th Symposium of the European Stevia Association, Leuven, Belgium (2012)
- D. Bergs, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Inverted chromatographic process design for preparative chromatography of natural products
8th International PhD Seminar on Chromatographic Separation Science, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany (2012)
- D. Bergs, B. Burghoff, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Inverted process design for preparative chromatography of steviol glycosides
8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin, Germany (2011)
- D. Bergs, B. Burghoff, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Purification of rebadioside A from stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves
5th Symposium of the European Stevia Association, Leuven, Belgium (2011)
- M. Stoffers, F. Santangelo, D. Bergs, A. Górak, W. Pitner, M. Schulte
Ionic liquids for biobutanol purification
EUCHEM - Conference on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids, Bamberg, Germany (2010)
Poster presentations
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Inverted chromatographic process design –A global design method
ProcessNet-Jahrestagungen, Karlsruhe, Germany (2012)
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Purification of natural products using inverted chromatographic process design
25th International Symposium on Preparative and Process Chromatography, Boston, USA (2012)
- D. Bergs, J. Merz, A. Delp, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
A global design method for purification of natural products using inverted chromatographic process design
6th Symposium of the European Stevia Association, Leuven, Belgium (2012)
- D. Bergs, B. Burghoff, M. Joehnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
New methodology for chromatographic purification of natural products
7th PhD student's seminar - "Chromatographic Separation Processes", Wernigerode, Germany (2011)
- D. Bergs, B. Burghoff, J. Sieberz, M. Jöhnck, G. Martin, G. Schembecker
Separation of Rebaudioside A from stevia rebaudiana Bertoni leaves as an example for natural product extraction
GVC / Dechema Vortrags- und Diskussionstagung: Bioverfahrenstechnik an Grenzflächen, Potsdam, Germany (2011)