Dr.-Ing. Christian Dowidat

Curriculum Vitae
Christian Dowidat began studies of Chemical Engineering in 2005 at the TU Dortmund. He finished in June 2010 with a Diplom thesis "Comparison of conventional plant design to a modular approach".
From August 2010 until October 2013, he was working at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design.
Field of Research
Due to rising energy prices the share of energy costs on the operating costs of process plants has increased. Using energy efficiently, not only the operation costs of a process plant but also carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced. This work is part of the BMBF-promoted project “Energy Efficiency Management”. As part of this work methods to increase the energy efficiency of process plants shall be developed. Deploying heuristics the operating parameters of the process shall be adjusted or more efficient alternatives for energy-intensive unit operations will be proposed. In addition possibilities shall be demonstrated how continuous operation of plants under partial load and batch processes can be made more efficient.
- C. Dowidat
Ein Beitrag zur Reduktion des Energiebedarfs verfahrenstechnischer Batch-Prozesse
TU Dortmund, 2015, Verlag Dr. Hut, München ISBN 978-3-8439-2426-9
- C. Dowidat, M. Kalliski, G. Schembecker, C. Bramsiepe
Synthesis of batch heat exchanger networks utilizing a match ranking matrix
Applied Thermal Engineering 100 (2016) 78–83, (doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.01.085)
- M. Mendorf, J. Schiewe, C. Dowidat, D.W. Agar
Kosteneffektive Komponenten für den Einsatz in hochgradig parallelisierten Mikrostrukturen
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 82 (2010), S.1315, (doi.org/10.1002/cite.201050365)
Oral presentations
- C. Dowidat, K. Ulonska, C. Bramsiepe, G. Schembecker
Erweiterung der „Cascade-Analysis“ zur Wärmeintegration von Batch-Prozessen um Ströme mit zeitlichem Temperaturverlauf
Jahrestreffen der Fachgemeinschaft "Prozess-, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik", Dortmund, Deutschland (2012)
Poster presentations
- C. Dowidat, C. Bramsiepe, G. Schembecker
Consideration of energy amortization for chemical plants
ECCE9 & ECAB2, Den Haag, Niederlande (2013)
- C. Dowidat, K. Ulonska, C. Bramsiepe, G. Schembecker
Heat integration for batch processes with time dependent temperature profiles
ANQUE ICCE 2012, Sevilla, Spanien (2012)
- C. Dowidat, K. Ulonska, C. Bramsiepe, G. Schembecker
Consideration of streams with time dependent temperature progression in batch heat
ProcessNet Jahrestagung 2012, Karlsruhe, Deutschland (2012)