Dorota Pawlucka

Curriculum Vitae
Dorota Pawlucka studied translations at the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. She graduated in October 1999 on multilingual Internet terminology. She has been working at the Technische Universität Dortmund, Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, since February 2000. The field of her activities comprises the coordination of national and international research cooperation projects. From March 2007 to October 2009, she studied Master of Business Administration at the FOM in Dortmund, which she successfully finished with a thesis on „Barriers to innovation in research-driven networks on the example of Cluster Industrielle Biotechnologie CLIB2021".
Dorota Pawlucka worked at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design as the coordinator of CLIB-Graduate Cluster. Apart from this, she has started an EU project office at the Faculty offering management service to researchers at the University.