Dipl.-Ing. Dominic Schlinge

Curriculum Vitae
Dominic Schlinge studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Dortmund and finished his degree with a Diplom thesis on model-driven analysis of influence of adsorption behaviour for use suitability of chromatographic process concepts ("„Modellgestützte Untersuchungen zur Auswirkung des Adsorptionsverhaltens auf die Eignung chromatographischer Prozesskonzepte"") in May 2008.
From 2008 to 2011 he was working at the Laboratory of Plant and Process Design on her PhD. In his research he focused on the fast implementation of chromatographic processes.
Field of Research
Preparative chromatography is a key technology in downstream processing of pharmaceutical products and fine chemicals. The increasing cost pressure as well as the low amount of substance for the early stage of development avoids comprehensive experiments. However these are necessary to choose the best process with optimal operation and design parameters.
Aim of this work is the development of methods to determine simulation parameters by Computational Intelligence Methods. This allows saving time, substance and costs. The parameters then lead by heuristic numerical methods to the optimal process.
- Schlinge, D., Scherpian, P., Schembecker, G.
Comparison of process concepts for preparative chromatography
Chemical Engineering Science, 65, (2010), S. 5373-5381, doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2010.06.030
Oral presentations
- D. Schlinge, G. Schembecker
Determination of isotherm and mass transfer coefficients applying neural networks
SPICA – 13th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Stockholm, 2010
- D. Schlinge, G. Schembecker
Effiziente Auslegung chromatographischer Prozesse
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2010
- Schlinge, D., Schembecker, G.
Bestimmung von Isothermen- und Stoffübergangsparametern mittels neuronaler Netze
6. Doktorandenseminar "Präparative Chromatographie", 2010
- D. Schlinge, P. Scherpian and G. Schembecker
Design Method for Closed-Loop and Steady-State Recycling Chromatography
SPICA - 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich (2008)
Poster presentations
- P. Scherpian, D. Schlinge and G. Schembecker
Choice of Process Concept in Preparative Chromatography
SPICA - 12th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques, Zürich (2008)